Saturday, 2 May 2009

Odd Nosdam-Visual Shoegangster!

The Man behind the T.I.M.E Soundtrack, Visual Shoegangster and DJ, the AlternativeInformant Introduces you to.... Odd Nosdam.

AlternativeInformant: How long have you been involved with music?

Odd Nosdam: My whole life really, but I didnt start making music until 1998. for as long as I can remember, Ive collected tapes and records. and because I spent the bulk of the 90's installing big bass car stereos, myfascination with boomin systems eventually inspired me to make my own music, mostly out of boredom, but also to have some slow shit to bump in my car (which has since been permanently retired).

AlternativeInformant: Where did the name Odd Nosdam come from?

Odd Nosdam: Nosdam is my last name reversed. Odd comes from Odd Nerdrum. He's a Norwegian painter I admire:

AlternativeInformant: You created the soundtrack for the This Is My Element film, how was that and, do you skate yourself?

Odd Nosdam: The process was challenging and at times extremely frustrating, but also fun and ultimately quite rewarding. I was paid to dig for unique records to sample from. basically, 6 months of indulging in good ol' fashioned beat making. I no longer skateboard on a regular basis, but every now and then I like to jump on a board and slappy some curbs. I was a full on Bones Brigader in the mid 80's. I got back into skating in the '90s for a minute before jacking my wrist up bad. Ivecontinued to keep up on things by watching skateboard videos.

AlternativeInformant: How would you describe your sound to someone who’s never heard your music before?

Odd Nosdam: Visual shoegangster.

AlternativeInformant: What are your views on the music industry at the moment is it too commercialised?

Odd Nosdam: I’ve no views of any value. I couldn't care less about the music industry, or industries in general.

AlternativeInformant: Where are you from and does that give you inspiration for music?

Odd Nosdam: Sure. I lived in Cincinnati for 25 years before moving to the Bay Area. as much as I dislike the midwest, the sorta forced isolation does wonders for a developing artist.

AlternativeInformant: Who influences you and your music?

Odd Nosdam: Shit, there's a ton of inspirational people. too many to mention. My mom.

AlternativeInformant:You did a challenge for XLR8RTV and they challenged you to make an original track, using records found at a Junk shop in CA, how was that?

Odd Nosdam: All together, a pretty swell experience. any chance to collaborate with my man Jel, Im there. the XLR8R folks where super cool from the jump. they allowed Jel and I our artistic freedom. plus, the couple who own the shop are the shit and Im thrilled we can advertise their place. we kinda cleaned them out record wise though.

AlternativeInformant: How do you feel when you DJ in front of a crowd?

Odd Nosdam: Depends. Sometimes like a rock star, other times like a sucker. But it's always an awesome feeling to play what I consider great music for people, especially when it's through a big system.

AlternativeInformant: Finally, what does the future hold for Odd Nosdam? Any Shout-outs?

Odd Nosdam: Same shit. Maybe get on the road a little more often and play live. Put out more records. I plan to have my SP1200 refurbished. hello mom.

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